Seasons Greetings and Puppy Kisses From our Family to Yours!

Havanese Puppies in Rogersville near Knoxville TN
One of the many great things about Havanese is their playful personalities. While they don’t need a ton of exercise, they do definitely enjoy a romp. One of Mabel’s and Trip’s favorite games is “you can’t have it!” It starts with me throwing the frisbee (which you can see by its condition what a favorite it actually is) for them to bring back. Whoever gets to it first tries to bring it to me, and the other one tries to prevent it and steal it for themselves to bring to me:
Mabel is younger and faster, but Trip is ruthless and tends to win the majority of the time:
Can he make it by her? The challenge is on!
Another round goes to Trip:
He doesn’t always win though:
And finally tuckered out. At least for the moment….
We’ve been going out into the back yard every evening so that the puppies can run around and be a crazy as they want. It’s also a good time for them to have interaction with the other dogs. Big sis, Mabel, thinks it’s as much fun as the puppies do! You can’t catch me is their favorite game: