Seasons Greetings and Puppy Kisses From our Family to Yours!

Havanese Puppies in Rogersville near Knoxville TN
Blog posts about Willow Springs Havanese puppies in Raleigh NC
Today is a raining day here in Raleigh. It’s a very nice break from the heat, but it doesn’t allow for much outside time for the puppies to get some entertainment. So, I decided to do a photo shoot with Ms. Iris! We put some pearls on her (which apparently are great to chew on!) and got out a pair of high heals:
“I don’t think those are going to fit!” — Iris
I don’t think Iris thought it was more fun than playing outside, but she was a good sport about it:
It’s important for puppy social development that they stay with their litter mates until at least 10 weeks of age. But by the time they’re about 8 weeks old, they start becoming less easily entertained by what’s in their puppy enclosure. We do take frequent field trips to the front porch or back yard for play time, but they still sometimes get bored. Enter the puppy ball pit!
We have four beautiful Havanese puppies! It was an all night process but Bunny did a fantastic job and all four babies are doing great! There are two males and two females. Individual pictures are to come, but here’s a group shot for now:
We’ve been going out into the back yard every evening so that the puppies can run around and be a crazy as they want. It’s also a good time for them to have interaction with the other dogs. Big sis, Mabel, thinks it’s as much fun as the puppies do! You can’t catch me is their favorite game: